Welcome! Find out more about how to integrate cover crops into your sustainability toolbox.
Cover crops are are grown to improve the sustainability of cropping systems. They provide environmental and economic benefits such as decreased soil erosion, uptake of residual soil nutrients, improved soil quality (e.g., increased water holding capacity and decreased compaction), habitat for beneficial organisms, and weed suppression. Our goal is to encourage cover crop adoption and assist farmers in maximizing the benefits accrued through cover crop use.

Decision Tool
Take a look at an integrated decision tool to assist farmers in Northeastern states with cover crop species selection. Access cover crop recommendations tailored to your cropping system goals and constraints.
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NECCC News and Events
Cover Crop Videos
Cover crop planting is essential to my farm to provide nutrient cycling and to promote soil health.
Every field has a unique set of challenges based on the topography, management system, micro-climate, and crop rotation. Using a system of conservation practices just as unique as the field characteristics can help achieve conservation objectives. Cover crops are one of the many tools we use to achieve these objectives, but they are perhaps the most customizable and adaptable tool we can use.
Armoring the soil and providing an ecosystem below our feet is of utmost importance as we face challenging growing conditions.
Building healthy soils requires living roots — all season long!

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